
Going into ICS 111, I did not know any programming languages. While I was familiar with basic programming concepts such as: if-then statements, loops, and assignments, I had no experience with a formal programming language. My previous experiences in programming mainly involved visual languages where you click and drag blocks of code. These programs, such as “Scratch” and “EasyC” are generally intended to ease younger audiences into a programming language and concepts.

This project allowed me to practice coding in my very first programming language: Java. It also gave me lots of practice using the Eclipse program. I really enjoyed this project as it is the first-ever game I created. I spent a lot of time on the creative aspect of the game. I added custom images and sounds in order to make the game as silly as possible. However, in doing so, I learned a lot about Java. For example, the character model having an irregular shape resulted in some hit detection issues. Sometimes a hit would register when there was no collision visually due to the hit-box being a basic rectangle larger than the actual character model. To resolve this issue a custom hit-box was created.
